According to The Body Shop the answer is yes. New research from the ethical beauty retailer has revealed that millions of women are losing valuable shut-eye every night due to the credit crunch and family worries. More than half of women surveyed (54.9%) claimed that they were getting a worse night’s sleep now than previously, largely due to the economic down-turn. And, lack of sleep is causing more than just dark circles and sallow skin; sleep-deprived women are reporting increased anxiety and relationship issues. The Body Shop Sleep Survey, conducted online by Opinion Matters/, revealed the extent of sleep lost each night as women toss and turn worrying about the economic crisis, with one third saying they are suffering from at least one hour’s less sleep each night now compared with previous years. One in seven people told the survey that they are losing at least two hours more sleep per night than before the credit crunch kicked in. It should come as no surprise then that money worries were cited as the number one sleep-depriver by 50% of the women surveyed. Those aged 25 to 34 years are particularly anxious about making ends meet with 61% being kept awake by the credit crunch. Worries about bills, job security, credit cards, and rent were also high up the list of reasons why we can’t nod off at night. Furthermore, almost half of women are having restless nights worrying about their families.
And what is the big problem here? Well, aside from those dreadful bags under our eyes, this is coming at a time when we’re all worrying more about our job security, yet more than half of women questioned said that lack of sleep made them less focused at work. Furthermore, almost half of women revealed that not getting enough sleep adds to their overall feelings of anxiety, which, in turn, promotes sleeplessness. Even more worrisome? The effects of sleep loss have been cited as being similar or worse than the effects of drinking alcohol to excess – bad news when jobs are in jeopardy.
Luckily for all those sleepy-heads out there reading this blog there is a few solutions, including the most popular ones cited by the survey — sex, hot milk, baths, and counting those always trusty sheep. However, naturally-inspired sleep solutions are gaining in popularity with one in seven spraying sleep mist on pillows and one in eight burning aromatic candles in a bid to encourage a peaceful night’s sleep.
And this is where The Body Shop comes in. Their recently launched Deep Sleep Dreamy Pillow and Body Mist, which encourages restful sleep, has reported unprecedented sales (six months of stock sold out in just four weeks!), and now they know why.
The quick-drying mist-spray is packed with a soothing medley of camomile, jujube date, geranium, juniper and patchouli essential oils to promote tranquillity for a deeper, restful night of sleep. But what makes Deep Sleep Pillow and Body Mist really unique is its innovative formula. Applied to the pillow or body, the mist employs special encapsulation technology that allows bursts of active fragrance to be released throughout the night to aid more satisfying sleep.
And what's even better? To ensure everyone involved in the production of Deep Sleep Dreamy Pillow and Body Mist can sleep soundly at night, one of the key ingredients in this product is Community Trade camomile oil, sourced from a cooperative of small-scale farmers in Norfolk, an area that has been facing declining incomes and employment opportunities. Not only has new life been given to a community under threat, but the methods used by the cooperative help ensure the environmental quality of the area and support local wildlife. In addition to Deep Sleep Dreamy Pillow and Body Mist, The Body Shop is also offering a range of products for those suffering from sleeplessness, including an essential oil, bath float, moisturiser and shower cream.
Be sure to check out the whole Deep Sleep range, available now at The Body Shop on Shop Street.