A Scottish madman...er, I mean, doctor...is calling for the introduction of tax on chocolate in an effort to curb the growing levels of obesity and type 2 diabetes in the UK.
Dr David Walker, a GP in Lanarkshire, told the BBC News the tax, which would be similar to those imposed on cigarettes and alcohol, should be introduced as a way to slow down the recent "explosion of obesity and medical related conditions, like type 2 diabetes". Dr Walker said that chocolate, which has lost its status as a "treat", had become a major factor in these problems with many people eating their entire daily caloric intake in chocolate alone.
"People have been lulled into a false sense of security about chocolate," said Dr Walker. "I had one patient recently who said to me she thought chocolate was good for you. People are being brainwashed into believing this."
Dr Walker is set to put his proposal forward to colleagues at the annual conference of Scottish Local Medical Committees in Clydebank. He will propose that revenue raised from taxing chocolate products would be used by the NHS to deal with the health problems caused by obesity, as well as increasing and improving sports facilities.
However, Julian Hunt, of the Food and Drink Federation, told the BBC that "while good for grabbing headlines, there is no evidence to suggest that such 'fat taxes' would actually work in reality."
Read the full article here
Wow thats crazy!!!!!!